August 30, 2010


What exactly is SQRW?

Well, it’s a study method where you get the best out of textbook study. It’s a 4-step strategy and each letter denotes one step so let’s go through it and see how it could make your study life a little bit easier!

SQRW is a strategy for talking notes and reading. SQRW stands for:

  • Survey
Survey is when you just look through a sheet of paper or a book quickly and find the main ideas of what it is all about. Read the title, summary, conclusion to get a better under standing of what it is about.
  • Question
Always keep a question in mind it will help you to understand more about the thing that you are reading from for example if the title of a story is "Ways to hurt someone badly" use the words who, what, when, where, what to understand more.
  • Read
Read the information on each heading to answer every questioned you asked yourself. While you are doing this activity you may need to change a question for it to be answered.
  • Write
Write the answers and the questions into a notebook reread it to make sure that it is contains all the important things.


August 23, 2010

Poor and Good information

There is a tremendous amount of useful, factual information available online. Unfortunately, it's also very easy to find incorrect or misleading information when searching online.
It can be quite difficult to determine whether the information you find on the internet is good or bad. Lots of incoherent information is posted every day by people simply looking to jump ahead in the search engine rankings.
Have you ever read through an entire article or website, only to realize that you have more questions than you did when you started? You've probably stumbled upon some poor information in your time using the internet. There are different kinds of incorrect information available online; read on to find a description of these different types.
Intentionally Misleading Information - If you've browsed Wikipedia for a fair amount of time you've probably came across a page that was locked. This happens often when celebrities are are involved in scandals or when they pass away. Some of the comments you may encounter are totally inaccurate, while others might be controversial and subject to argument on both sides of the issue.
Wikipedia's administrators lock pages when there are too many edits coming in that present false information. This is especially common for the pages of celebrities with poor reputations, which often have derogatory information posted on them. Visit the page of a controversial celebrity and look at the edit history; you'll almost definitely see some of these edits. This is one of the negatives that come with user contributed sites, and these things must be screened carefully when the open source frameworks permit such easy access by the general public.
Unintentionally False Information - Everywhere you look online, you'll find someone claiming to be an expert and sharing his or her secrets. While they may not be trying to intentionally mislead you, they're often not 100% correct.
Always question the claims of any self-proclaimed experts online. You can double-check the facts behind their statements to be sure that what they're saying is truthful. Most of these people are simply trying to make money, and even though they may not have any malicious intent, the end result still has you believing false information.
Despite all of this, don't be scared to find information online. There's still a huge amount of useful information that can be found on the internet; you just have to do a little extra research sometimes and try to stick to reputable sources. Stick with these sources and more likely than not, you won't be mislead.


what is a mind map ?

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.
Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.
In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works. Since it is an activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages your brain in a much, much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions. And, best of all, it is fun!
So, how does a mind map look like? Better than explaining is showing you an example.

This is a mind map about – conveniently enough – mind mapping itself. It presents, in a visual way, the core elements and techniques on how to draw mind maps. Yes, I know this may look a little too messy initially, but bear with me: once you break the ingrained habit of linear note taking, you won’t look back.

Benefits and Uses

I think I already gave away the benefits of mind mapping and why mind maps work. Basically, mind mapping avoids dull, linear thinking, jogging your creativity and making note taking fun again.
But what can we use mind maps for?
  • Note taking
  • Brainstorming (individually or in groups)
  • Problem solving
  • Studying and memorization
  • Planning
  • Researching and consolidating information from multiple sources
  • Presenting information
  • Gaining insight on complex subjects
  • Jogging your creativity
It is hard to make justice to the number of uses mind maps can have – the truth is that they can help clarify your thinking in pretty much anything, in many different contexts: personal, family, educational or business. Planning you day or planning your life, summarizing a book, launching a project, planning and creating presentations, writing blog posts -well, you get the idea – anything, really.

How to Draw a Mind Map

Drawing a mind map is as simple as 1-2-3:
  • Start in the middle of a blank page, writing or drawing the idea you intend to develop. I would suggest that you use the page in landscape orientation.
  • Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the center with a line.
  • Repeat the same process for the subtopics, generating lower-level subtopics as you see fit, connecting each of those to the corresponding subtopic.
Some more recommendations:
  • Use colors, drawings and symbols copiously. Be as visual as you can, and your brain will thank you. I’ve met many people who don’t even try, with the excuse they’re "not artists". Don’t let that keep you from trying it out!.
  • Keep the topics labels as short as possible, keeping them to a single word – or, better yet, to only a picture. Especially in your first mind maps, the temptation to write a complete phrase is enormous, but always look for opportunities to shorten it to a single word or figure – your mind map will be much more effective that way.
  • Vary text size, color and alignment. Vary the thickness and length of the lines. Provide as many visual cues as you can to emphasize important points. Every little bit helps engaging your brain.

Final Thoughts

Mind mapping is an absolutely fascinating and rich topic – this post only scratches the surface. If you want more reference material now, Wikipedia is always a good starting point.
Mind mapping is a passion for me, and it is one of the strongest drivers behind this blog. I plan to explore it in much more depth – publishing mind maps, providing tips, talking about computer mind mapping, and much more. Just make sure to keep visiting (or better yet, subscribe).
In the meantime, please give mind mapping a chance – try it out. Follow there handy tips and see the results for yourself. Don’t worry too much about doing it the "right" way – just make it fun.
This is the example of a mind map



 what is information?

In the 1960s and 1970s, the term information technology (IT) was a little known phrase that was used by those who worked in places like banks and hospitals to describe the processes they used to store information. With the paradigm shift to computing technology and "paperless" workplaces, information technology has come to be a household phrase. It defines an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information
