September 20, 2010


  1.  Can you identify the library website, OPAC, library database? (define)

Library website consist of two words, 

Library means : A place where we can find a  collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged. in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.

A website (also spelled Web site; officially styled website by the AP Stylebook) is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed relative to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL), often consisting of only the domain name, or the IP address, and the root path ('/') in an Internet Protocol-based network.

so Library website means : The website that you can find information or materials that you need.

OPAC : An Online Public Access Catalog (often abbreviated as OPAC or simply Library Catalog) is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users typically search a library catalog to locate books, periodicals, audio/visual materials or other items under control of a library.

Library Database : An online database that provides the citations and locations of all materials in the library. The catalog may be searched by Keyword, Subject, Title, Author, Call Number, or Periodical Title.

  1.  List 5 PDF Files of articles you search from Google!

- The High Cost of Cheap Labor:
- The Dependency Inversion Principle :
- A Competence Center Articles :

- Writing the Empirical Journal Article :

  1.  What is " an Abstract " ?

An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given scientific paper or patent application. Abstraction and indexing services are available for a number of academic disciplines, aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.

  1.  What is " a full-text article " ?


In computerized databases, the complete article rather than just a citation or abstract. In any sources databases, move from the record screen to the full text of an article by entering the command DIT. A full-text article in any sources databases can be printed, sent to your email address, or saved to disk.

  1.  what is your search technique(s) When you are doing your homework or assignment?


Before you search, make a plan!

Putting together a search is a three-step process.

Identify your concepts
When planning your search, break down your topic into its separate concepts. Let's say you're interested in the effects of global warming on crops. In this case, you have two concepts: GLOBAL WARMING and CROPS.

Make a list of search terms for each concept
Once you have identified your concepts, list the terms which describe each concept. Some concepts may have only one term, while others may have many.

global warming
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases
climate change

These lists are a suggestion. Depending on the focus of your search, there may be other terms more suited to what you're looking for.
Specify the logical relationships among your search terms
Once you know the words you want to search, you need to establish the logical relationships among them using Boolean logic: AND, OR, NOT.
To keep things simple, you don't need to use all the words you've compiled in a single search. The words are there to help you experiment with different searches until you find what you want.

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