September 13, 2010


Reference Source

1.Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? Who get the Nobel Prize this last year?

there are a few of websites where you can find the information about Nobel prize, such us:

And the person who get the Noble prize last year is Barack H.Obama.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 was awarded to him "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

2. Go to Encylopedia Online at search for the history of automobiles or computer. Summarize the information you get.

The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile. However, we can point to the many firsts that occurred along the way. Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton.

In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725 - 1804). Cugnot used a steam engine to power his vehicle, built under his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin. It was used by the French Army to haul artillery at a whopping speed of 2 1/2 mph on only three wheels. The vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen minutes to build up steam power. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in the front (see engraving above). The following year (1770), Cugnot built a steam-powered tricycle that carried four passengers.

3.What is the difference between general book and reference book?

General Book is a collection of printed material that have a different purpose for education or another things. you can find general book anywhere, in library, or in any bookstore.
but reference or a reference point, is the intensional use of one thing, a point of reference or reference state, to indicate something else. When reference is intended, what the reference points to is called the referent.
References are indicated by sounds (like onomatopoeia), pictures (like roadsigns), text (like bibliographies), indexes (by number) and objects (a wedding ring); but endless concrete and abstract methods can be used intentionally. This includes methods that intentionally hide the reference from some observers, as in cryptography.

4.When do you need to search information from the reference collection?
whenever you need any information about something, or anything.
the reference collection provide you anything what do yopu want.

5.What type of reference collection that you like to use most? And why?

I like encyclopedia, because i can search many things that i want to know. i can finish my homework or finding new information that i want to.

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